Counsels on Sabbath School Work   (8)
A Question for Every Teacher and Scholar VC
In studying the Scriptures, in manifesting an unselfish interest in others, in doing those things that will please the Saviour, you will grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour. Let every teacher and scholar ask, “What can I do that can be counted as good service to Him who has died that I might live?” The Master gives this answer, “Seek and save that which is lost.” Luke 19:10. You are to work in Christ’s way, with patience, with interest, with determination that you will not feel discouraged as you work for time and eternity, believing that Jesus can do much through human ability consecrated to His service. What higher privilege could we desire than to be laborers together with God, making the most of our entrusted powers, that this very work may be accomplished? (CSW 69.1) 2 I MC VC
When young men and women are sober-minded and cultivate piety and devotion, they will let their light shine forth to others, and there will be vital power in the church. It would be well to have an hour appointed for Bible study, and let the youth, both converted and unconverted, gather together for prayer and for the relation of their experiences. The youth should have a chance to give expression to their feelings. It would be well to have a judicious leader chosen at first, one who will talk little and encourage a great deal, by dropping a word now and then to help and strengthen the youth in the beginning of their religious experiences. After they have had a little experience, let one of their number take the leadership, and then another, and in this way let workers be educated that will meet the approval of God.—Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work, 48, 49. (CSW 69.2) MC VC
Strength and Wisdom Promised VC
Let every true, honesthearted worker be encouraged to work on, keeping in view the fact that every one will be rewarded as his works have been. Work with an eye single to the glory of God. Do not refuse to bear responsibilities because you have a sense of your weakness and inefficiency. God can give you strength and wisdom if you are consecrated to Him and keep humble. Let none through slothfulness refuse to work; and let none rush ahead, urging his service when it is not wanted. (CSW 70.1) MC VC
Duty to Labor for Others VC
Let every true worker be grateful to God that he is honored in having an opportunity of working for the Master. Watch for opportunities to do good and improve the talents God has given you, seeking grace daily that you may succeed in doing good. (CSW 70.2) MC VC
The lost opportunities for doing good in the past may well humble you to the dust, and lead you to watch carefully lest you should let slip opportunities of being a blessing to others. How many times the hour has come with its work, but the worker was not at his post of duty! Words might have been said to help and strengthen weak souls struggling under temptation, but they were never spoken. Well-directed personal efforts might have been put forth, and have saved a soul from death, and hid a multitude of sins, but there was no one to make the effort. The negligent ones will have to meet their neglect in the day of God. Most precious is the blood of Christ, which cleanses from all sin. A sense of the redeeming love of Christ should lead us to embrace every opportunity of doing good. These moments are exceedingly precious if improved to the glory of God. Those who are in pursuit of earthly riches are watching constantly and sharply their opportunities of gaining their desired object; and workers for Christ should be no less earnest in winning souls to Him. They may be colaborers with Christ if they, by imitating Christ’s example, do good to all brought within the sphere of their influence. (CSW 70.3) MC VC